gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mnangagwa makes key military promotions ahead of crucial 2023 polls – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mnangagwa makes key military promotions ahead of crucial 2023 polls

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HARARE – The Director of the Zimbabwean Army Public Relations, on Wednesday announced the promotion of nine lieutenant colonels to colonels by Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, according to a statement by Colonel Alphios Makotore.

The statement said: “the Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa has promoted nine lieutenant colonels to colonels.

The promotions were made in terms of Section 15 (1)(b) of the Defence Act (Chapter 11:02) and effective from 25 March 2022.”

“The promoted Colonels are Augustine Ruwambara, Chakaipa Mukuna, Job Mugazambi, Clemence Macheka, Nuna Bornaventure Ncube, Simbarashe Zhou, Clady Mapepa, Rita Mkandla and Kudzanai Mautsa.

They were conferred the new rank by the Chief of Staff Administration Staff, Major General Emmanuel Matatu at an investiture ceremony held at Josiah Magama Tongogara Barracks on Wednesday, 30 March 2022.

Major General Matatu who was standing in for Commander Zimbabwe National Army, Lieutenant General David Sigauke commended the senior officers for diligently executing their duties in the ZNA, hence their promotion.”

Said Major General Emmanuel Matatu: “Your hard work has been rewarded. The Command Element has seen in you the fundamental qualities and attributes of military leadership at the senior level.

Recognition for such an esteemed rank and appointments does not come through ambitious individual lobbying, pitching and posturing but comes as a result of a thorough and exhaustive assessment.”

Major General Matatu added that the onus is now upon the promoted colonels to diligently and professionally discharge their duties in the new capacities and enhanced status.

On behalf of the promoted colonels, Colonel Nuna Bornaventure Ncube thanked Commander ZNA for giving him and his colleagues well-deserved recognition.

He promised that they were going to remain loyal to both the organisation and the country.