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MDC-T youths to endorse Tsvangirai as 2018 candidate

The late MDC President Morgan Tsvangirai
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MDC-T youths will this week endorse Morgan Tsvangirai as the their best foot forward and the party’s 2018 presidential candidate amid growing calls for the former Premier to step down on health grounds.


Since the fall of former President Robert Mugabe, there has been debate on the suitability of Tsvangirai to continue leading the main opposition party that will face a renewed Zanu PF now led by President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

In an interview yesterday, MDC-T youth leader Happymore Chidziva said they would be meeting on Friday to endorse Tsvangirai.

“The assembly will be holding a national youth council meeting on Friday to reaffirm our support to president Morgan Tsvangirai as our presidential candidate,” Chidziva said.

“He is our best foot forward as he has a record of beating Robert Mugabe in any election. The year 2018 will see us reclaiming our lost victory from Zanu PF and the unpopular Emmerson Mnangagwa will fall.”

In 2008, Tsvangirai beat Mugabe in the first round, but failed to garner the majority votes required by the Constitution for an outright victory.

He, however, pulled out of the rerun citing violence, a situation that later forced the parties to enter into an inclusive government.

On Tsvangirai’s prospects of winning against Mnangagwa, Chidziva described the new Zanu PF leader as an easy opponent compared to Mugabe.

“It’s on record that Mnangagwa was beaten by Blessing Chebundo in Kwekwe and results are there. Morgan Tsvangirai was above them all and went on to beat Mnangagwa’s former boss, hence, even now, he will be an easy challenge,” Chidziva said. – NewsDay