gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); MDC-T ready to torpedo Mnangagwa’s dream – The Zimbabwe Mail

MDC-T ready to torpedo Mnangagwa’s dream

Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai and Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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THE MDC-T has said it is ready to wrest power from President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Zanu PF in this year’s elections, dismissing claims by one of its own Eddie Cross, that the opposition party is in shambles.


Party spokesperson, Obert Gutu said the party was solidly behind its leader Morgan Tsvangirai and Cross’s utterances represented his personal opinion, which does not reflect the situation on the ground.

“I speak for the MDC and what I know is that the party is very strong and solidly united behind president Morgan Tsvangirai,” Gutu said yesterday.

“I suspect Eddie Cross is airing his own personal opinion since he has no mandate to speak for and on behalf of the MDC.”

The Bulawayo South legislator wrote on his blog last week that the opposition was in shambles to shake off a Mnangagwa challenge in this year’s elections.

Cross described Mnangagwa, who took over power from Mugabe last year courtesy of a “military intervention”, as an astute operator with the capacity to turn around the economy and deliver the results in record time. He warned opposition parties against underestimating him.

His statement came a time the MDC-T is torn in factional fighting in the race to succeed Tsvangirai, who has been in and out of hospital in neighbouring South Africa undergoing cancer treatment amid calls back home that he should step down on health grounds.

“Mnangagwa is in absolute control of the State and I think he is going to deliver. One of the key elements behind this strategy is that he knows the opposition is in shambles,” Cross wrote on his blog on Christmas Day.

But Gutu said: “The MDC plans to mobilise its support base nationwide in order to ensure a resounding victory for president Tsvangirai together with all the MDC Alliance candidates in the parliamentary and local government elections.

“This year, we will cover all corners of the country canvassing for the people’s support. We shall campaign from the Zambezi to the Limpopo, from Tamandayi to Malipati. No part of the country will be spared, as the MDC campaign juggernaut gets into motion in the next few days.”

MDC-T national executive member, Job Sikhala took to social media calling Cross to order and warned of heavy military infiltration in the affairs of the opposition party.

“To all our party supporters! Beware Zanu PF and the military junta have strongly taken centre stage to take proceedings in our party MDC-T. Whatever is going to happen shortly you must be aware that the military intelligence has taken keen interest to determine what should happen in our party. Take heed. It’s serious,” he posted on Facebook on New Year’s Eve.

Meanwhile, the MDC-T yesterday said it was deeply aggrieved by the passing-on of its Mashonaland Central provincial chairperson, Justine Chitate.

Gutu said, Chitate collapsed and died on Sunday immediately after addressing a ward meeting in his home province.

“We would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest condolences to the Chitate family and indeed to the entire MDC family on this tragic and devastating loss,” he said yesterday, describing Chitate as a humble and hard-working cadre of the party. – News Day