gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); MDC duo acquitted after serving 8 years in prison – The Zimbabwe Mail

MDC duo acquitted after serving 8 years in prison

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HARARE – Two opposition MDC activists Tungamirai Madzokere and Last Maengahama have been acquitted by the Supreme Court following more than  8 years in prison. Madzokere and Maengahama were sentenced to 20 years in prison after they were convicted of the murder of a police officer in Glen View in 2011.

The Supreme Court has now overturned the conviction by the High Court in 2015 which saw Madzokere and Maengahama incarcerated at the Chikurubi Maximum Prison in Harare. The Supreme Court ordered the pair’s immediate release. The third activist who was convicted of the murder of Inspector Petros Mutedza, Yvonne Musaruwa was released in March 2018 after she was granted amnesty by President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Musarurwa is now a member of parliament, one of the proportional representation MPs for the Douglas Mwonzora led MDC-T.

Tungamirai Madzokere, Last Maengahama Acquitted By Supreme Court After 8 Years In Prison

Below are some of the reactions from social media following the announcement that Last Maengahama and Tungamirai Madzokere have been acquitted by the Supreme Court.