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MDC Alliance calls for unity

Professor Welshman Ncube
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HARARE – Zimbabwe’s main opposition political parties called for unity in the main MDC Alliance consummated to fight the mid-year presidential and parliamentary elections against President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The mooted coalition has been hit by severe turbulence, dogged by inter-party divisions, with two distinct groups — for and against the grouping — emerging.

The main opposition alliance has chosen veteran opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai as its candidate for the presidential election, but the ailing opposition leader has deployed his deputy Nelson Chamisa as his proxy to the alliance while he recuperates.

MDC Alliance spokesperson Welshman Ncube told an MDC Alliance rally held at Chisamba grounds in Sakubva in Mutare on Sunday: “On the 6th of January, President Morgan Richard Tsvangirai called me and told me that we have to move forward with the MDC Alliance programmes. He told me that Nelson Chamisa will be in charge on my behalf whilst I focus on my medication.”

People`s Democratic Party (PDP) leader Tendai Biti told the rally that Mnangagwa’s government suffers from a trust deficit

“The secret to the success of this country is that we have our brand Morgan Tsvangirai who is trusted all over the world. Economics is about confidence and trust. The Mnangagwa government has kwashiorkor ye trust and confidence.

“I went to America with Chamisa and Zanu PF cried but we were invited there because the international community trusts and has confidence in the MDC Alliance,” Biti said.

Transform Zimbabwe (TZ) president Jacob Ngarivhume said unity in the political grouping — which is planning to leverage on its united efforts to defeat Zanu PF in the forthcoming harmonised elections — will deliver victory against the ruling party.

“The key thing which is required for our Alliance to be successful in these elections, is unity.”

Ngarivhume said the Alliance partners must pray for the MDC leader, who is currently in South Africa for treatment for cancer of the colon.

“Our prayers are with Morgan Tsvangirai for him to get well,” he said. “For the first time in Zimbabwe, we have a real chance of winning this election,” he said.
Ngarivhume said they have agreed which party will be contesting in which constituency.

“It must also be clear to you that we have already agreed on the share formula with . . . Tsvangirai. So if other people come to tell you that the share formula is not yet there, do not listen to those people because they are enemies of Zimbabwe’s progress.” – Daily News