gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); MDC Alliaance target to transform Zimbabwe’s economy – The Zimbabwe Mail

MDC Alliaance target to transform Zimbabwe’s economy

MDC Alliance President Nelson Chamisa
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MUREWA – The MDC Alliance has set a target of transforming Zimbabwe’s economy into a hundred-billion-dollar economy within 8 years and ensure there are networks and airports around the country’s provinces.

The alliance partners were at Mrewa Business Centre where party supporters converged to listen to their leaders speak on their roadmap ahead of the 2018 polls.

There was no police interference as the road was clear all the way from the capital as the opposition party leaders shared their vision with their supporters.

“We will have spaghetti networks and airports in Mrewa in a short space of time as we intend to transform this country’s economy,” said MDC Alliance leader Advocate Nelson Chamisa.

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MDC Alliance partner Mr Tendai Biti told the gathering that the alliance will transform the national economy into a 100 billion-dollar-economy in 8 years while Advocate Chamisa accused Mrs Thokozane Khupe for refusing to accept the party’s succession plan.

The MDC Alliance partners also called on getting equal and access to media coverage from the state broadcaster and made a bold statement that they will not boycott the polls but will push for electoral reforms ahead of the watershed polls. – ZBC