gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Kasukuwere described as ‘arrogant and disrespectful’ to Mnangagwa – The Zimbabwe Mail

Kasukuwere described as ‘arrogant and disrespectful’ to Mnangagwa

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HARARE – Zanu-PF has shut its doors on exiled former minister Saviour Kasukuwere, accusing him of being arrogant and disrespectful to party leader President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Kasukuwere fled the country into self-imposed exile alongside other G40 members, who include former ministers Jonathan Moyo, Walter Mzembi and Patrick Zhuwao following the November 2017 coup that ousted longer time ruler, the late Robert Mugabe.

The G40 was a camp allegedly aligned to former First Lady Grace Mugabe that was forced to escape into exile, when President Emmerson Mnangagwa assumed power.

Other G40 members such as former Local Government minister Ignatius Chombo were unlucky not to escape, and have faced various criminal abuse of office charges.

Zanu-PF director for information Tafadzwa Mugwadi said the ruling party had shut its doors on Kasukuwere, accusing him of undermining Mnangagwa and his leadership.

“As a matter of policy, the party does not negotiate with individuals who seek to return or trace their roots to the party. Rather, those who seek to return know what to do if ever they were truly and genuinely in it before, they know the rules and procedures to follow,” he said.

“It’s unfortunate that his case might be a different one because there is no remorse, repentance nor positive revolutionary conduct in him. He has continued on a path to denigrate, undermine and insult the party, its leadership and its ethos, clandestinely presenting himself as a political phenomenon. That behaviour stands in his way. Be that as it may, the leadership of the party will advise accordingly as and when he does the necessary procedures.”

It is understood that Kasukuwere has been trying to worm his way back into the ruling party through high-level negotiations.

Sources in Zanu-PF claimed that the former Local Government minister has also dangled US$30 000 to the Harare Women’s League chairperson Ratidzo Mukarati to “support G40’s bid to wrest State power”.

The sources also said party bigwigs were closely monitoring events around the upcoming Zanu-PF women’s elective conference, where Mnangagwa allies fear G40 elements aligned to Kasukuwere can grab positions.

Kasukuwere confirmed the high-level talks to enable him to return to the ruling party.

“People have spoken and people continue to speak. We must listen to our people and act. Everyone is involved and engaged. The way forward has been written on stone. There is no going back,” he said in an interview with NewsDay.

“We are glad that those who led Operation Restore Legacy have realised that as they were busy engaged with discussion on serious party issues with former president Mugabe, unscrupulous people whose agenda was to topple President Mugabe and install Mnangagwa had always been known, took advantage of the talks and captured our party. Illegal central committee of November 2017 must be remedied.”

The ruling party has perennially been beset with infighting, which has sometimes resulted in violent running battles, and this was laid bare during campaigning for the recent district and provincial positions.

Source – NewsDay