THE festive season is upon us. Merry-making has already begun. Zimbabweans will join the rest of the Christian world to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ next Monday as well as brace for the New Year the following week. Those in the Diaspora have since embarked on the great trek back home to join their families and cherish what life has to offer.
All these exciting times have an equal match in the form tragedies that might befall us if we get carried away and fail to observe rudimentary cautionary measures to save lives. Traffic volumes are increasing each passing day posing serious problems to the motoring public and pedestrians as well.
As we celebrate with our friends and families we urge those driving to sober up and exercise utmost caution on our roads. Drinking and driving is prohibited and we urge traffic police officers to carry out their duties professionally and shun highway corruption.
We urge motorists to use roadworthy vehicles and observe the most basic road rules. More often than not, fatal accidents are mainly caused by drivers who ignore fundamental highway regulations such as observing the right of way and speeding. Many lives have been lost due to negligent driving.
In the same vein, we urge public transport operators to put their buses in good shape and transport passengers safely. Temptations of overloading are high during this time of the year and we believe that those who are going to man our highways will be on the lookout for vehicles with excess luggage. Corruption has been widely condemned and thus commuters must play ball and report all traffic cops who act contrary to the Service Charter.
As we travel away from homes to party with relatives and friends at various resorts, we often leave our homes un- attended. Thieves have crude stuff up their sleeves and an unattended house or property is at their mercy.
It’s not late for those who will travel away from home to link up with security companies and leave someone on guard at their premises.
Those who do not have the means to hire a guard can talk to a relative to stay behind and safeguard their home. As we merry make some do so extravagantly to extremes that usually pose dangers to those around them.
Deadly scuffles happen during this time of the year and instead of enjoying ourselves, some will end up behind bars over murder related incidences.Family members can fight during a party while those who frequent drinking spots may also behave badly and stab each other with broken bottles.
We urge citizens to maintain their cool and respect the next person. Our police officers must now show change of character and work tirelessly to protect civilians. It’s no longer business as usual They have to win back the confidence of the people by carrying out their duties professionally.
The last few weeks have been hectic and Zimbabweans surely need time to celebrate and cherish what life has to offer. The Christmas and New Year holidays have thus come at the most appropriate time. Let’s celebrate safely and in style.