gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Discord In MDC-T: Tsvangirai’s Spokesperson Dismisses Gutu’s “Black Market” Statement – The Zimbabwe Mail

Discord In MDC-T: Tsvangirai’s Spokesperson Dismisses Gutu’s “Black Market” Statement

MDC President Morgan Tsvangirai
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HARARE – MDC-T President Morgan Tsvangirai’s spokesman Luke Tamborinyoka has dismissed the statement that was released by party spokesperson Obert Gutu on Tuesday.

Tamborinyoka described all statements which speak on Tsvangirai, and which originate from other sources apart from the official spokesperson as “black market” and illegal. Said Tamborinyoka speaking on Facebook

President Morgan Tsvangirai speaks for himself, as he did through his statement on Monday or through his official spokesperson, as happened after he met with President Mnangagwa last Friday. Any other channel parroting a purported MT position is the black market. And the black market is not only unofficial but illegal.

This comes after Gutu said that Tsvangirai was not going to resign as the party president due to illness. Gutu went on to state that Tsvangirai was the presidential candidate for the MDC in the coming 2018 harmonised elections. Part of Gutu’s statement reads:

We are pleased to note that President Morgan Tsvangirai continues to recover very well whilst resting at home and that he was due to leave the country for South Africa later on Tuesday afternoon for his routine medical check-up.

Contrary to recent press reports that suggested that President Tsvangirai will soon be stepping down from the leadership of the party, the fact of the matter is that President Tsvangirai remains the leader of the MDC and he is the MDC Presidential candidate for the 2018 elections.

Tsvangirai himself hinted at retiring soon after he met with President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Vice President, Retired General Constantino Chiwenga.