gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Chamisa says Mnangagwa has refused to talk to him – The Zimbabwe Mail

Chamisa says Mnangagwa has refused to talk to him

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Opposition CCC leader Nelson Chamisa says President Mnangagwa has refused to talk to him in the past 7 years, despite his countless attempts to reach out to the Zanu PF strongman.

Chamisa says he wanted to share ideas with Mnangagwa on how best to govern Zimbabwe.

Addressing a campaign rally at Muchakata Business Centre in Masvingo, the opposition leader says the issue is not about grabbing power; it is about crafting the best proposition for the development and true liberation of Zimbabwe.

Chamisa outlined what he termed his “5 critical issues”, including: Restoration of Zimbabwe’s greatness; Value addition and beneficiation; Human capital development; Natural resources development, and restoration of dignity.

Source – online