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Chamisa says his spirits remain stronger

MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa
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MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa says sustained attacks by Zanu-PF and the MDC-T led by Thokozani Khupe will not break his spirit as he responded to criticism that he is not showing any appetite to fight back.

Chamisa told hundreds of people that attended a memorial service for his late mother at their rural home in Masvingo’s Chiwara area yesterday that his political career was far from over.

“The people’s party cannot be broken.

“Where you try to break it, you are giving it more strength. Where there are cracks, that is where the strength starts.

“Do not underestimate the commitment of the agents of change in Zimbabwe. I want to thank all MDC cadres, you are wonderful.”

Chamisa described himself as a survivor.

“I am a survivor, no matter what they plan. I have always been one since long back when my mother failed to conceive or would always have a miscarriage,” he said.

“She had to hide my pregnancy to the community with coats and jerseys. After seven years of barreness, she later fell pregnant and gave birth to me.

“I did not know about this even when I grew up, until another prophet from a Pentecostal church whom I will not mention by name came to my office when I was now a lawyer.

“He told me about my mother’s challenges falling pregnant and I phoned her in his presence and she admitted,” he said.

Chamisa, who has been criticised for being too quiet and lacking strategy to unseat Zanu-PF, said being quiet was a strategy in itself.

“People ask why I remain quiet in the face of relentless attacks by Zanu-PF and its stooges,” he said.

“If you are in possession of the ball, do not do tactics that will make you lose control. Keep your eyes on the ball.

“A dog that has the bone should not bark, lest the bone falls and it is picked up by others.

“Others ask me why I do not make noise like (popular Ugandan opposition leader) Bobi Wine.

“Let me tell you, he acknowledges my contribution to the democratic struggle here. Every struggle has its own unique tactics. We know the winning formula.
“The victory of the people is confirmed.

“The victory of the people is certain. It is not going to be withdrawn. Do not be afraid, we will get there. We arrived long back.” – Standard