gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Chamisa reacts angrily to ‘mountain’ MDC, ‘anthill’ Zanu comparison – The Zimbabwe Mail

Chamisa reacts angrily to ‘mountain’ MDC, ‘anthill’ Zanu comparison

Nelson Chamisa
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MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa says MP Killer Zivhu should stop dreaming and comparing his Zanu-PF party to the opposition he claims lost the 2018 vote through poll theft.

This comes after the controversial legislator weekend urged Zimbabweans to join Zanu-PF, arguing the opposition no longer existed.

But Chamisa told Monday there was no need to compare MDC with Zanu-PF, a party he said commanded no following among locals.

“Are you really serious about this question! Who is this Killer Zivhu! You cannot compare a mountain to an anthill. Is it possible?” Chamisa said.

Zivhu, in a twitter message, called upon opposition supporters to join the ruling party he said was the only Zimbabwean party still existing.

“2023 Zanu-PF will win elections with big margins than 1980, mark my words. Kana uchida (if you love) politics just join Zanu-PF now, the opposition party is finished,” said Zivhu.

Commenting on a similar matter, Chamisa’s spokesperson Nkululeko Sibanda said Zivhu was waffling.

“Do you think this nameless MP (Zivhu) knows anything? He is just waffling.

“I do not know who this Killer Zivhu is and for me I will have to ask – is he just like a tree falling in the forest without anybody interfering?

“As far as I am concerned, this guy is looking for some attention and he should have called MDC for that attention he desperately needs.

“He should not use some handed methods,” Sibanda said.

Zivhu’s remarks follow a recent Supreme Court ruling on a drawn-out MDC leadership wrangle between Chamisa and former party vice president Thokozani Kupe, now leader of the splinter MDC-T.

The court declared Chamisa’s rise to the helm of the main opposition was done fraudulently and that the party should use its 2014 structures to choose a substantive leader.

Source – newzimbabwe