gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘Chamisa Conceded Election Defeat, Wanted VP Post in Unity Govt’ – Mpofu – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘Chamisa Conceded Election Defeat, Wanted VP Post in Unity Govt’ – Mpofu

Obert Mpofu
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Former Home Affairs Minister and Zanu PF secretary for administration, Obert Mpofu, has claimed that opposition leader Nelson Chamisa conceded defeat soon after Zimbabwe’s harmonized general elections and proposed that he becomes vice president in a power-sharing arrangement.

But the opposition denies these allegations, maintaining that Chamisa won the July 30 presidential poll.

Mpofu made the claim when he appeared before the Kgalema Motlanthe-led Commission of Inquiry into the shooting to death of six people in Harare on the first of August while some political activists were protesting against delays in announcing presidential election results.

He claimed that he had an audio recording of his discussion with Chamisa, whom he called urging him to stop suspected members of his Movement for Democratic Change from staging protests before the announcement of the July election results.

MDC spokesperson Jacob Mafume dismissed Mpofu’s claims as “wishful thinking”, noting that Chamisa beat Mnangagwa in the presidential election though the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission declared Mnangagwa as the winner of the poll.

Chamisa lost a legal challenge to the election results but still maintains the vote was rigged and that Mnangagwa lacks legitimacy. – VOA