gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Chamisa blocked from hold rally in Glen Norah – The Zimbabwe Mail

Chamisa blocked from hold rally in Glen Norah

CCC leader Nelson Chamisa
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MAIN opposition party, Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has vowed to fight back the continued sequence of prohibitions by the police against their political events.

This follows the banning of the party’s victory celebration slated for this Sunday in Glen Norah by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP).

CCC deputy spokesperson, Ostallos Siziba said they will never allow a situation where the law favours Zanu PF and fails to protect them all the time.

The matter has since spilled to the courts where an urgent hearing of the matter is pending.

“We are in court to challenge  the police’s refusal to grant us clearance to hold our victory rally  in Glen Norah.

“Politically we are not going to accept our country to have a law for the opposition and the law for Zanu PF. We will reject and fight back,” said Siziba.

The party intends to hold a rally after winning the by-election in Glen Norah constituency resoundingly.

The ZRP Saturday banned the victory rally citing that the party activity does not comply with requirements of the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act.

The rally was set to be held at Chembira community Hall  in Glen Norah A and Wellington Chikombo, the Member of Parliament for that constituency, had written to the police on  July 21 seeking clearance.

In response, the police said this was impossible.

“Reference is made to your letter dated the 21 of July 2022 in connection with the above subject.In the letter, you are notified to hold a By Election Celebration Party at Chembira Community Hall. Glen Norah A. Harare on the 31st of July 2022 from 1000 hours to 1600 hours.

“May you be advised that the notice to hold the By Election Celebration Party served on us does not comply with the mandatory requirements of Section 7 (2) of the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act [Chapter 11:23] and as such, the intended celebrations have not been sanctioned,” reads a letter from the office commanding Harare south district, M Majojo seen by

The party has at many times been forced to seek court intervention in a bid to hold its activities across the country.