gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwean Man Deported From Malawi For Violating Immigration Laws – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwean Man Deported From Malawi For Violating Immigration Laws

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THE Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services in Lilongwe, Malawi has deported an Indian national and a Zimbabwean man for violating Malawi immigration laws.

This is according to Inspector Pasqually Zulu, central region immigration spokesperson, who said six people were arrested last week after the department conducted permit inspection and compliance exercises around Lilongwe.

Inspector Zulu said amongst the group, two were nabbed for overstaying in the country and they have since been deported to their respective countries on Wednesday, January 26, 2022.

The publicist identified these two deportees as Indian national Mahir Mustaqbhai Patel, 26, and Zimbabwean national Aaron Daliel, 31.

“These two have been deported to their respective countries this week for violating several immigration laws contrary to section 4 sub- section 1 (1) of the Immigration act chapter 15:01 of the laws of Malawi.

“The Indian national has been deported through the Kamuzu International Airport while the Zimbabwean has been deported through the Dedza Border Post,” said Zulu.

Meanwhile, the remaining four foreign nationals who were nabbed along with the deportees have been released unconditionally following proof of their legal status in Malawi upon bringing in all authentic documentation.

The department has since appealed to all foreign nationals, including expatriates, volunteers, investors, and visitors in Malawi to make sure that they never contravene the country’s immigration laws.

The visitors have been encouraged to travel with either a certified copy of their passport data page where legal stamps have been endorsed or an immigration permit card to avoid such inconveniences during permit inspection and compliance exercise.