gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwe main opposition leader’s lawyer admits to fraud charges – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwe main opposition leader’s lawyer admits to fraud charges

Accused ... Advocate Thabani Mpofu (centre) and his lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa at police station on Monday
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THE Zimbabwe Republic Police anti-corruption unit has reportedly charged Harare lawyer Advocate Thabani Mpofu with claiming the existence of an individual named Simbarashe Zuze while filing an affidavit to the Constitutional Court, yet the individual does not exist, it has emerged.

According to the charge sheet seen by the Zimbabwe Voice (see below), Mpofu admitted to the charge in his sworn affidavit.

… that enquiries are being made in connection with a case of defeating or obstructing the case of justice as defined in section 184(1) (d) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, chapter 9:23, which occurred at the Constitutional Court of Zimbabwe, Harare, on January 25, 2019 where it is alleged that I, acting with Makanza (NFPK) and Choice Damiso, well knowing that Simbarashe Zuze does not exist…

Part of the charge sheet relating to Advocate Thabani Mpofu’s alleged crime.

The State’s case is that Advocate Mpofu claimed the existence of one Simbarashe Zuze while filing an affidavit form in January 2019, and he further went on to represent in a Constitutional Court a man who does not exist.

The said Zuze was reportedly challenging the appointment of AG Kumbirai Hodzi by President Emmerson Mnangagwa as he alleged that he was the third best candidate.

Meanwhile, Advocate Mpofu is detained at Rhodsville Police Station in Harare pending his initial court appearance tomorrow.

He handed himself to the police in the company of his lawyer, Beatrice Mtetwa, Monday after police had raided his previous home looking for him.

Advocate Thabani Mpofu (centre) in the company of his lawyers.

The MDC Alliance, whose leader Nelson Chamisa has been a client and personal friend of Advocate Mpofu for a long time, has accused the State of trumping up charges against its pillars of support. – Zimbabwe Voice