gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwe Airforce pilot murders girlfriend over cheating suspicions – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwe Airforce pilot murders girlfriend over cheating suspicions

Tashinga Musonza
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GWERU – A soldier has been arrested and charged over the killing of his lawyer girlfriend on suspicions of infidelity.

Tashinga Musonza, 29, so severely assaulted Lucy Duve, 32, that she was certified dead upon arrival at the Claybank Hospital on Sunday night, according to Midlands police.

Duve and Musonza had been cohabiting at the former’s house.

On Sunday, at around 10PM, Musonza – who works at the Josiah Tungamirai Airbase (formerly Thornhill) – arrived home and accused Duve of having an affair with another soldier, George Mangwenjere, who is a Flight Lieutenant at the airbase.

He ordered Duve – a lawyer with the Legal Aid Directorate in Windsor Park – to drive with him to the airbase to meet Mangwenjere and clarify the issue, according to an internal police memo seen by ZimLive.

Mangwenjere denied having an affair with Duve, and an enraged Musonza then started assaulting his girlfriend with open hands and kicking her.

Mangwenjere tried restraining Musonza but was overpowered. He then left the two to seek assistance from friends at the base.

Upon his return, he found Duve lying unconscious on the floor showing signs she was in pain.

Musonza drove Duve to Claybank Hospital on the advice of Mangwenjere and other friends who had attended the scene but she was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.

Death by beating …. Lawyer Lucy Duve met a violent death at hands of jealous boyfriend

Duve’s body is awaiting post-mortem examination at the Bulawayo United Hospital.