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ZANU PF Youth leaders exposed

Godfrey Tsenengamu
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ZANU PF Youth Leaders Godfrey Tsenengamu and Pupurai Togarepi have been exposed for hypocrisy in their anti-corruption crusade.

Information that have been seen by this reporter indicate that Youth leaders Pupurai Togarepi and Godfrey Tsenengamu approached Tafadzwa Musarara of Alpha Grain to seek donations for their programs.

Communication between the pair and Masarara indicate that the youths asked for and were granted the said assistance in December 2019 after branding him as corrupt and part of a cartel that have captured the state in June of the same year at a press conference.

The evidence reveals that Mr Musarara and Alpha Grain gave Godfrey Tsenengamu roller meal packs which Godfrey Tsenengamu signed for and collected.

The list of the business people that were branded as corrupt during that time is as follows:

Lisbon Mhonda, Afrifore Unifreight
Tafadzwa Musarara, Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe
Tongai Muzenda, Minerals Mining Cooperation Zimbabwe.
Hennerieta Rushwaya, Zimbabwe Miners Federetion
Doctor Shar, PCD

Source – Byo24