gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu PF Chairman’s Son Killed By Mashurugwi Machete Gang – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu PF Chairman’s Son Killed By Mashurugwi Machete Gang

Daniel Mackenzie Ncube
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THE son of Zanu PF Midlands provincial chairperson Daniel Mackenzie Ncube was last week killed by a suspected machete gang, popularly known as Mashurugwi, in the gold-rich Zhombe district.

Ncube, a senator confirmed to the death of his son Brian Mackenzie Ncube.

“It’s true, last week I lost my son to machete gangs. His name is Brian Mackenzie Ncube,” Ncube said.

However, he said details leading to the death of Brian were still unclear, but the politician confirmed the discovery of gold at the deceased’s grandmother’s homestead as the source of his death.

“It’s not quite clear. Gold was discovered at his grandmother’s homestead. That was the source of the problem. What really happened nobody has a straight answer,” Ncube said.

Police are investigating the murder.

Brian’s body was once ferried to Bulawayo for a postmortem, but he will be buried Wednesday at the Ncube homestead in Sengezi School.

According to sources Brian was killed Saturday by machete a wielding gang following a gold rush in the Senkwasi area, Zhombe.

The young Mackenzie, according to sources, was a well-known gold buyer in Zhombe and that made him a target.

“On Friday, there was a gold rush in Senkwasi near Mackenzie’s homestead, and that night the now deceased decided to go to the site in the company of friends,” a source said.

“An unidentified gang called the deceased near the gate saying that they wanted to confirm something from him.”

However, after Brian took time without returning, his friends decided to look for him before they found his mutilated body in the early hours of Saturday.