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Widow loses hubby’s pension to lover

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A Chitungwiza Central Hospital nurse lost over $14 000, which included a lump sum payment of her late husband’s pension and $2 000 compensation for damages made to her car, to her ex-boyfriend after she entrusted him with her CBZ Bank card, the court has heard.

Martha Chitongo (29) of Zengeza 4 in Chitungwiza was not the only victim of her ex-boyfriend, Allen Bhaswi, who also duped another girlfriend, Joice Muchemwa (31) of $6 000.

Charlotte Chanakira (23), who also knew Bhaswi, lost $2 800 to him after he promised to import a car for her. The trio lost a combined $23 445 to Bhaswi. Bhaswi denied five counts of fraud before Chitungwiza resident magistrate Mr Francis Mapfumo last Friday.

He was remanded in custody to today for trial continuation.

In his defence, through his two lawyers Messrs Tendai Masawi and Tuwe Batanai of Masawi and Partners Legal Practitioners, Bhaswi said he never misrepresented to anyone.

“Chitongo gave me access to both her vehicle, authority to use her bank card, freely and voluntarily,” said Bhaswi. “I was also in love with Muchemwa from May 2017 to date. She never gave me $6 000 to buy a stand. Chanakira gave me $2 800 as deposit to buy her a Toyota Runx on her behalf and I repaid $1 400.”

Prosecuting, Mr Tatenda Mukatera alleged that in May 2016, Bhaswi asked for $700 from Chitongo to use in his business. It is alleged that Chitongo gave him her CBZ Bank card to withdraw the money since her account had $840.

Instead, Bhaswi withdraw all the money without her consent. Bhaswi allegedly later went to Chitongo’s workplace informing her that her vehicle licence was about to expire.

He offered help to renew the licence and insurance, leading to Chitongo surrendering the car and its registration book. – Herald