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Wealthy Chipinge businessman’s son (13) kills juvenile in accident

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Chipinge – A 13-year-old son of a wealthy Chipinge businessman, notorious in the small agricultural town for driving around his father’s posh cars with neither licence nor the statutory age yesterday allegedly bumped into and killed another juvenile.

Police sources and documents in the hands of The Mirror have confirmed the accident in which another 13-year-old boy Moses Mubare of Low Density in Chipinge was hit and killed by a grey Toyota Landcruiser in a dust road in one of the suburbs at 11am yesterday.

The accused is the son of Edmore Mwoyoweshumba who is popularly known as Doda and easily regarded as the wealthiest person in Chipinge. The accused is doing Grade 7.

The accused has been charged with homicide and driving without a licence.

Under the Zimbabwean law a person can only get a licence at the age of 16.

Residents have always complained in public and private places against Doda for allegedly allowing his underage and unlicensed son to drive along the suburbs’ roads.

Residents also accused Chipinge Police of paying a blind eye when the rich commit crimes and violate the law.

Doda cut off the conversation when The Mirror called him for a comment.

Rev Muposhi of UCCZ, the deceased’s uncle who spoke on behalf of the family confirmed the tragedy and referred questions to the Police.

The District Police Officer Commanding, Chief Superitendent Trustworthy Makunike said he was not aware that the boy who cannot be named for ethical reasons has been driving without a licence.

“Residents have not reported such issues to the Police. We urge them to come forward when that happens,” said Makunike.

Chipinge Residents Trust Chairperson Vhurande Mahlupeko said that it is common knowledge that the boy drives around his father’s car.

“Police must not say that they don’t know. It can only be someone who is a visitor here who doesn’t know that the boy is always driving around. It is one of the most talked about issues in this town that this boy is always driving his father’s cars. He started a long time ago when he was even struggling to see in front of the car because of his age,” said Mahlupeko.

He added that Police was weak when it comes to dealing with the rich people of Chipinge and the town council is manipulated by the rich.

The Police report says that the victim and the accused were together when the accident happened. Mubare allegedly jumped out of the back of the truck after push-starting it. He was then hit by the reversing vehicle, says the Police report and he died on the way to Chipinge Hospital.