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Walter Chidhakwa Granted Bail

Walter Chidhakwa
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Former Mines Minister Walter Chidhakwa was granted $300 bail and ordered to report once a week at Highlands Police station and reside at his given address when he appeared before Harare Magistrate Josephine Sande. He is facing criminal abuse of office charges.

Chidhakwa was arrested on Wednesday and detained at Rhodesville Police Station. State owned media reported that he was being investigated by the  Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (Zacc) for corruption and abuse of office.

Chidhakwa is accused of colluding with former Secretary for Mines and Mining Development Professor Francis Gudyanga who corruptly received board fees and sitting allowances to the total of US$28 910 after dissolving the Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe board in December 2013 and assuming the chairmanship until September 2016. This was in contravention of the MMCZ Act (Chapter 21:04) which says a board comprises at least six members and a maximum of 10.

Zacc was also reportedly investigating a case in which Chidhakwa allegedly used his influence to unlawfully grant tax exemption to a mining firm, which then made a hefty payment to an organisation linked to him.