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Ugly fight over avocados

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A ONCE peaceful relationship between two Mutare neighbours has turned nasty due to their constant fights over avocado pears.

Nhamo Mutsago told the court last week that he used to enjoy cordial relations with his neighbour, Lisa Mademago, until her avocados started falling from the tree and breaking his asbestos roofing.

He now wants a protection order against Mademago as he accuses her of verbally and emotionally abusing him.

Mutsago said some of Mademago’s avocado tree branches are overlapping into his yard and covering part of his roof. When Mademago harvests her fruits, she climbs on top of Mutsago’s roof, a move that is stoking her neighbour’s rage.

Mutare magistrate, Ms Notebulgar Muchineripi presided over the matter.

“She does not allow my family to take avocados that are in our yard. Instead, she climbs up the tree and harvests all the avocados, including unripe ones.  As she does so, she throws them on my roof,” said Mutsago.

Mutsago walks with the aid of a walker. He accused Mademago of emotionally abusing him because of his disability.

“She shouts at me saying my disability is now affecting my brain. This is all coming from our clash over the avocado pears. I am now living in constant fear of my life because of her threats and insults,” he said.

In her response, Mademago said their relationship turned sour when her family decided to stop sharing avocados with the Mutsago’s family.

“We used to allow them to take all the avocados in their yard. However, when he decided to bring me to court, my family saw it fit to take all the fruits. He is now bitter because of that. He accuses me of all sorts of things and he is verbally abusive,” said Mademago.

She confirmed that she climbs up the avocado tree to harvest the fruits, including those above Mutsago’s roof.

She, however, said she will cut all the branches that are overlapping into Mutsago’s yard.

“When we finish harvesting the avocados, I will cut down all the branches overlapping into his yard because this is now a source of feud between our two families. Without the overlapping branches, l am sure peace will prevail again,” she said.

The court granted a binding protection order which bars both Mademago and Mutsago from harassing, insulting, assaulting or breaching each other’s peace. – Manica Post