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Two Tanzanians jailed for illegal entry into Zimbabwe

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TWO Tanzanians have been arrested for entering the country illegally after authourities had denied them entry at Victoria Falls border post as they did not have the necessary travelling documents.

Musa Yusuru Makongoro (31) and Rajabu Juma Ibrahim (28) who are both employed as bus conductors in their country, entered Zimbabwe from Zambia illegally last Friday.

The pair appeared before Victoria Falls magistrate Ms Rangarirai Gakanje charged with entering the country without a permit.

They pleaded guilty.

The two said they were on their way to South Africa.

“We were just passing through Zimbabwe as we were heading to South Africa,” said Ibrahim.

The magistrate sentenced the duo to an effective three months in prison. “You will then be deported back to Tanzania,” said the magistrate.

The court heard that last Friday at around 5:30PM the two Tanzanians presented themselves to immigration officers at Victoria Falls border post and were denied entry into the country after they failed to produce proper documents.

The two then used an undesignated entry point leading to their arrest.

Prosecuting Mr Takonda Ndovorwi said the two men were arrested along the Victoria Falls-Bulawayo highway at Ndlovu turnoff on their way to Bulawayo.

“On 16 February at Victoria Falls border post, the accused persons unlawfully and intentionally entered Zimbabwe through an undesignated entry point and remained in the country without permits,” said the prosecutor.