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Two suspected poachers shot dead by rangers

Busted ... two poachers were arrested after an exchange of gunfire with rangers in an incident that saw their colleagues shot dead on Tuesday
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HARARE – Two suspected poachers were shot and killed in a shootout with parks rangers in Katombola, near the Kazungula Border Post in Matabeleland North province on Tuesday.

Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (Zimparks) spokesperson, Tinashe Farawo confirmed the incident, adding that three suspects were also arrested.

“We can confirm that there was an unfortunate incident in Katombola North Matabeleland province where two suspected poachers were gunned down after the exchange of gunfire with our rangers who were on patrol.

“We have managed to arrest three suspects and one suspect managed to escape.

“We have recovered about 15 tusks of elephants.

“We have also recovered a point 375 rifle and five rounds of ammunition.

“Investigations are currently in progress, we are saying no to poaching and if you are found within protected areas with a rifle, you will be arrested,” Farawo said. – ZimLive