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Two nabbed over smuggled drugs

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POLICE in Nyamapanda, Mashonaland East province, have arrested two men for smuggling three bags of medical drugs into the country.

Collins Kanhukamwe (49) and Brian Samu (35) were arrested for unlawful possession of a contraband including antibiotics and painkillers.

In a statement, police confirmed the arrest of the duo whose drugs worth thousands of United States dollars were found stashed in the boot of a bus.

The suspects failed to produce a valid permit for the importation of drugs, leading to their arrest.

It is reported that, while police were conducting routine patrols along the Harare-Nyamapanda Highway on May 5 this year, they intercepted the bus at the 207km peg.

A search was conducted on the bus, leading to the discovery of three bags containing the contraband.

Some of the drugs included 200 bottles x 100 mls of Angimox — CV 312,5 mg, 88 bottles x 100ml Amoxicillin Oral Suspension BP 250mg/5ml, 24 bottles x 1 000 tablets Co-trimoxazole tablets BP 480mg, 3/4, 3 boxes x 20 tablets Triclofem Medroxypregestrone Acetate 150mg/ml, 150 boxes × 20×3 tablets Azithroomycin tablets USP 500mg. – News Day