gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Tsenengamu denied bail – The Zimbabwe Mail

Tsenengamu denied bail

Godfrey Tsenengamu
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FORMER Zanu-PF youth league national commissar Godfrey Tsenengamu was Saturday denied bail and remanded in custody to Monday by Harare magistrate Ngoni Nduna.

Tsenengamu is facing charges of inciting public violence and was hauled to court Saturday after handing himself to the police at Harare Central Police Station Friday.

Nduna will decide Monday whether to grant him bail or not.

Several senior politicians including MDC Vice-Chairperson Job Sikhala and Transform Zimbabwe leader Jacob Ngarivhume have been arrested over the same charges. Journalist Hopewell Chin’ono was also arrested over the same charge. All three are out on bail after spending weeks incarcerated at Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison.

In court, Tsenengamu told Nduna that he feared for his life as unidentified men were stalking him.

His charges emanate from calls he made ahead of the foiled #31July anti-corruption demonstrations urging Zimbabweans to come out in their numbers and protest against high-level corruption in government.

The protests were, however, crushed by security forces.

Source – dailynews