gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Tragedy as Mkwasine couple dies after drinking n’anga concoction – The Zimbabwe Mail

Tragedy as Mkwasine couple dies after drinking n’anga concoction

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MASVINGO – A couple from Senuko Village in Mkwasine died last week soon after taking a concoction prescribed by a traditional healer.
Masvingo Deputy Police Spokesperson Masauso Patinyu confirmed the case and said the n’anga has been arrested.

Sources told The Mirror that two days before Independence Tambudzai Tambana fell ill and her husband Layton Machira consulted a traditional healer from the same village.

Tofandiro Mahachi (42) gave the couple a concoction to drink but the two suffered running stomachs immediately afterwards.

They were ferried to Gudo Clinic where Tambudzai was pronounced dead on arrival and her husband was referred to St Peters Hospital and he died two days later on Independence Day.

The bodies were taken to Chiredzi District Hospital for postmortem.

Source: Masvingo Mirror