gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Supreme Court Extends MDC-T’s Congress Dates To 30 November – The Zimbabwe Mail

Supreme Court Extends MDC-T’s Congress Dates To 30 November

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THE Supreme Court Friday granted MDC-T interim leader Thokozani Khupe up to 30 November to hold the party’s extraordinary congress to elect a new president.

Khupe had approached the Supreme Court seeking guidance on the matter after the same court in March ordered the MDC-T to hold an elective congress within three months.

However, due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the party had been failing to hold the congress.

The MDC-T then made an application at the Supreme Court on July 29 seeking an extension to Khupe’s current term.

In March this year, the Supreme Court ruled that Nelson Chamisa was the illegitimate president of the MDC-T before it installed Khupe as interim president with the mandate of holding elections to replace the late founding MDC president Morgan Tsvangirai.

He died in February 2018.