gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Supa Mandiwanzira Sued over $317 166 Debt – The Zimbabwe Mail

Supa Mandiwanzira Sued over $317 166 Debt

Supa Mandiwanzira
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Former government minister Supa Mandiwanzira is being sued over a debt of $317 166 by Westlake International Finance Limited.

The firm seeks to recover loans owed by a company owned by Mandiwanzira and these loans date back to over six years ago. The summons, filed at the High Court on 29 October through its lawyers, by the financial institution reads

During the period stretching from January 2012 to February 2013, plaintiff (Westlake International) concluded three separate loan agreements with Tarcon (Private) Limited (“Tarcon”) in terms of which the plaintiff lent and advanced the following sums of money to Tarcon, that is $700 000 on or around January 2012; $615 960 on or around August 1, 2012 and $416 100 on or around February 4, 2013.

Source: Pindula