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Sporty: Job Sikhala turns up in court in Highlanders tracksuit

Job Sikhala
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THE MDC vice-chairperson Job Sikhala who was arrested last Friday by police officers while he was hiding in a ceiling at a house in Tynwald suburb came to court in a Highlanders Football Club track suit.

According to Makore, a team of police officers raided the Tynwald home, and while searching for the drugs, machetes, and the petrol bombs, he noticed some footprints on the wall and a missing ceiling panel in one of the rooms.

“We had a search warrant to search the house where Sikhala was after receiving information that there were machetes and petrol bombs being manufactured at the house,” he said.

“While inside, we searched and found nothing and when we were going out, we saw footprints on the wall and a panel removed from the ceiling,” he said.

Makore said the police officers convinced someone was hiding in the ceiling before they called for the person to come out, but Sikhala remained quiet.

He said Sikhala said he was coming out only after the police threatened to throw a tear gas canister.

He is facing charges of inciting public violence and the bail application is being heard by Magistrate Lazini Ncube.

Source – online