gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Sikhala spends second night in police cells – The Zimbabwe Mail

Sikhala spends second night in police cells

Job Sikhala
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CITIZENS Coalition for Change vice-chairperson, Job Sikhala, will spend his second night in police cells following his arrest on allegations of inciting public violence on Tuesday.

His lawyer, Paidamoyo Saurombe, said the lawmaker is expected to appear in court on Thursday.

“He will be in court tomorrow (Thursday). As of this morning, he was being charged with inciting public violence,” said Saurombe.

Sikhala was arrested after a memorial service for the slain CCC activist, Moreblessing Ali, on Tuesday.

He was detained together with his Chitungwiza North counterpart, Godfrey Sithole.

The memorial service descended into violence after some mourners went on rampage, destroying the houses of Zanu-PF activists in Nyatsime in retaliation to Ali’s death.

Ali was allegedly murdered by Pias Jamba, a Zanu-PF activist.

Her body was found dumped in a well at Jamba’s homestead in Beatrice.

Sikhala was representing Ali’s family after they were chased from the funeral by suspected Zanu-PF thugs.

Source – NewZimbabwe