TWO siblings are embroiled in a bitter fight over their late parents’ Sakubva house, resulting in the issuance of a protection order binding both parties to maintain peace towards each other by the court.
Judith Mwatsi and her brother Raymond appeared before magistrate Ms Prisca Tendai Manhibi on Thursday.
Judith had petitioned the court seeking a protection order against Raymond. Judith told the court that before his death, their father had chased and barred Raymond from visiting the house because of his violent tantrums towards him.
“Your Worship, he is so violent and never respected our late father, and as a result was not allowed to set foot at the Sakubva house. He never visited the place until our father’s death,” said Judith.
She added that when Raymond attended their father’s funeral, he shouted profanities at her, claiming that she had poisoned the relationship between him and their late father.
She also complained that Raymond plays the radio loudly and often threatens to attack her with a spear.
“I have never known peace since his return. Since his return home, he has been throwing me out of the house claiming that I was a grown up lady and should not be staying at our parents’ house,” she said.
Judith also accused Raymond of assaulting, harassing and insulting her and trying to evict her from the house.
Raymond, however, told the court that Judith was the one who was violent towards him.
He said she has been refusing to accept him back since the death of their father.
“She is the one who is violent towards me. Everyone in the family and even the neighbours know this fact. She also assaults me and wants to evict me out of the house yet it belongs to our late parents,” he said. He said he would only leave the house if Judith also moves out.
Ms Manhibi issued a protection order binding both parties to maintain peace towards each other. The magistrate also advised the pair to register the estate of their late parents.
“As long as the estate has not been registered, every sibling has a right to that house. No one has the right to chase other siblings from that house,” ruled Ms Manhibi.