gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Sheriff to attach MDC property – The Zimbabwe Mail

Sheriff to attach MDC property

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THE Sheriff of the High Court has been instructed to attach property belonging to the Nelson Chamisa-led MDC party over labour damages amounting to $264 000 it owes to its former director general Mr Toendepi Shonhe.

MDC unfairly dismissed 17 employees, including Mr Shonhe, from work and the Labour Court confirmed an arbitral award compelling the party to pay damages to the 17 workers.

Last week Mr Shonhe obtained a writ of execution which empowers and directs the Sheriff to attach property.

The property, according to the writ, should be attached from the party’s headquarters at Harvest House in Harare.

The writ reads:

“You (Sheriff) are required and directed to attach and take into execution the movable goods of the Movement for Democratic Change (Tsvangirai) 44 Nelson Mandela Avenue, Harare the above mentioned respondent of the same to be realised the sum of US$264 444 together with cost of suit for the above-named applicant Toendepi Shonhe, which he recovered by a court order of this court on the 20th day of July 2017 granted by this honourable court in the above mentioned suit.”

Recently, Labour Court judge Justice Betty Chidziva, with the concurrence of Justice Lawrence Murasi, struck off the roll a labour appeal by the MDC-T, a development that exposed the political outfit’s property execution.

MDC owes the 17 workers a total of $665 000 but the writ is in respect of Mr Shonhe’s $264 444.

Mr Shonhe and 16 others were fired in 2014 on allegations that they were linked Mr Tendai Biti’s Renewal Team.

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