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Robbers shoot dead farmer’s wife in Beatrice

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HARARE – Police have launched a manhunt for two men who yesterday stormed Mant Lavina farm in Beatrice where they shot and killed the farm owner’s wife Ren Mitchell and seriously injured her husband Mr Graham Warren.

Allegations are that the suspects first attacked and overpowered the security guards at the farm, undressed them and tied their hands and legs with a rope.

The suspects then put on the guards’ uniforms before they proceeded to the farmhouse.

Allegations are that the farm manager Mr Silas Nyakudya who was on a routine perimeter check proceeded to the guard room where he discovered that the security guards had been incapacitated.

It is said Mr Nyakudya sprinted to the farmhouse shouting for help, but before he reached the house, he was intercepted by the suspects who were in hot pursuit.

They tied him with a rope and forced him to lie down.

The commotion outside is said to have awoken Mitchell and her husband with Mitchell rushing outside armed with a rifle. But before she could fire any shot, the suspects shot her twice on the back with a pistol killing her instantly.

They reportedly took the rifle which they used to assault Mr Warren all over the body before ransacking the whole house and went away with an undisclosed amount of valuables.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the incident.