gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Reward Kangai Alleges That NetOne Filed A $2M Lawsuit Against Him In order Not To Pay His Package – The Zimbabwe Mail

Reward Kangai Alleges That NetOne Filed A $2M Lawsuit Against Him In order Not To Pay His Package

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Former NetOne chief executive officer Reward Kangai has alleged that state-owned mobile network operator NetOne filed a $2 million lawsuit against him in order to avoid paying his early release package.

Kangai however, refused to reveal the value of the package. Kangai was fired from NetOne in September 2016, over allegations of gross corporate misconduct. Last month the MNO filed the $2 million lawsuit against Kangai claiming gross mismanagement.

Speaking to NewsDay, Kangai said:

The early release package stipulated a number of things and one of them is payment of the basic salary of five months for every year served and a whole lot of other things.

. . . but they did not proceed to implement the full provisions of that contract of employment. I think what you have here is very unattainable, where NetOne starts allegations against me and suspends on the basis of those allegations.

They (NetOne) are trying to avoid paying me my early release package. $1,919 million arises from base station site rentals. When we made the loan application from China Exim Bank, we envisaged 350 greenfield base station sites and China Exim Bank required base station site lease agreements to accompany the loan application. Later, the inter-ministerial committee reduced the sites to 175 and requested NetOne to use (its) own funds to develop the sites

Kangai who has an acrimonious relationship with ICT Minister Supa Mandiwanzira has been fighting back and has written a lawyer to President Emmerson Mnangagwa to expose the alleged corruption in the ICT Industry.

More: NewsDay