gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Pupils break into staffroom, collect impounded phones – The Zimbabwe Mail

Pupils break into staffroom, collect impounded phones

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MASVINGO – Five A Level pupils at Christian High School in Mucheke in Masvingo are being investigated by the Police after they broke into the staffroom at  midnight and stole phones that had been impounded from them by the their teacher.

The phones were impounded because the pupils were watching videos during lessons.

This case of indiscipline has shocked the community and has reopened debate on the pros and cons of banning corporal punishment in the Constitution.

What worried teachers and parents even more is that after stealing their phones back, the pupils harassed the teacher, Hatifitose Chirikure (42) and threatened to sue him for the ‘missing’ phones.

They reported Chirikure to the school head, Edison Muresherwa and also to the Police.

Assistant Police spokesperson for Masvingo Kudakwashe Dhewa confirmed the incident. He said that one of the students has since been arrested and will soon appear in court.

Sources told The Mirror that Chirikure went into the class on a Friday and found the five with headphones in their ears. He collected the phones as he realised that they were watching videos.

Since it was a Friday, he locked away the phones in the staffroom with the intention of handing them over to the head on Monday. On Monday, he was shocked to find the staffroom broken into and all the cellphones stolen.

The pupils reported the teacher to the head and they were allegedly told to get their phones from the teacher. The matter was reported at Chikato Police Station where the angry students created a scene demanding for the arrest of the teacher. They also threatened to make civil case against the teacher.

Barely weeks later one of the five pupils became a suspect in a case involving theft at the school. Police searched his place and a calculator stolen from the school was recovered. Police then also realised his phone stolen from the staffroom was there at the house.

He was interrogated and he revealed that he was the one who broke into the staffroom and stole all the impounded phones. He also disclosed that he gave back all the other students their phones.

Source: Masvingo Mirror