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Neighbours at each other’s throats

Jeniffer Nyamuka
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A MUTARE woman was recently dragged to the Mutare Civil Court for calling her neighbour a witch and accusing her of killing her husband and son.

Betty Vhari told the court that Jennifer Nyamuka tells everyone that she (Vhari) is a witch.

“Nyamuka also shouts unprintable words at me in public. My life is now a living hell. Most people in our community now think that l am a witch due to her accusations,” said Vhari as she denied the allegations.

In addition to the witchcraft allegations, Nyamuka has also labelled her neighbour as a woman of loose morals.

“She says I am a commercial sex worker who will never have a stable marriage. Nyamuka just hates me for no reason,” said Vhari.

But in her defence, Nyamuka said Vhari was trying to counter a binding protection order that was granted to both parties during their previous court appearance.

“She hurried here to make a counter application. She is the one tormenting me like I mentioned in last week’s application for a protection order,” said Nyamuka.

In her ruling, Mutare magistrate, Ms Notebulgar Muchinerepi said the previous binding protection order still stands.