gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); My husband seizes my underwears, hides them in his office, woman tells court – The Zimbabwe Mail

My husband seizes my underwears, hides them in his office, woman tells court

Nicholas Makwara
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A wife, Cathelene Makunganidze, told the court that her husband abuses her sexually, emotionally and physically.

Makunganidze who applied for a protection order from a Zimbabwean court claimed that her husband confiscates her panties and hides them at his workplace.

She also added he once beat her in front of their children while she was naked

She said, “Nicholas Makwara who is the father of my two children abuses me verbally, physically, emotionally and sexually. He beats me with an electric cord, open hands, and hosepipe. At one time he assaulted me in front of our children while I was naked.”

“At times he chases me out of the house at night. He also took all my belongings to his workplace including my underwears. He also stole my bank card and I want him to return all the stolen items including my panties” said Makunganidze.

She also claimed her husband rapes her and harrases her at her workplace.

Cathelene Makunganidze

When asked by the magistrate to respond to his wife ’s accusations, Makwara flipped the script claiming that she was the one abusing him.

“She is the one who is abusing me. She once assaulted me and stabbed me with a kitchen knife. She is always threatening to scald me with boiling cooking oil.

“She once disappeared from home for seven days and when I asked her where she had been, she became violent,”  Makwara responded.

Magistrate Tashaya granted Makunganidze the protection order warning Makwara not to verbally, physically, sexually and emotionally abuse her.

He also ordered him not to evict his wife from their matrimonial home