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Muvevi suspected of six more murders

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POLICE are investigating leads linking former police detective Jaison Muvevi to six other murder cases that took place in and around Harare and Chitungwiza over the past three years.

The 42-year-old is presently before the courts facing four murder charges after he reportedly gunned down three people — a senior police officer, a bartender and faith healer — in Hwedza on January 13.

He also faces two attempted murder charges. On Friday, prosecutors added another murder charge after detectives investigating the Hwedza shootings established that Muvevi could have been behind the killing of another man in Harare last year.

Police believe the same weapon used by Muvevi was the one used to fatally shoot Nyarai Round in Eastlea on November 19. Sources close to the ongoing investigations told our Harare Bureau yesterday that the weapon in question is also said to have been linked to six other murders dating back to 2020.

Bullet casings obtained from the respective crime scenes as evidence have now been sent for forensic ballistic analysis to ascertain whether they were discharged from Muvevi’s firearm. National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the new development. He could, however, not be drawn into disclosing more details.

“We are looking at the possibility that Muvevi could have committed other cases using his firearm,” said Asst Comm Nyathi. 

“Right now, we are in the process of verifying with the ballistic analysis. Remember, through the ballistic analysis, we managed to link him to the murder which happened on November 19 last year. We are certainly looking at that possibility.”

Police, he said, would give an update once the ballistic analysis had been completed. However, a senior police source privy to the case said there could be a breakthrough in as many as six other unsolved homicide cases.

“Evidence on the ground has linked him to a number of murders in Harare and Chitungwiza. There are traces of evidence showing that some murder cases were committed using the same firearm that was used on the Hwedza victims . . . At the moment, I can’t reveal the cases we are looking at because that can jeopardise investigations . . . We are waiting for ballistic evidence on several cases we suspect him of.”

Last week, Muvevi appeared before Harare magistrate Mrs Evelyn Mashavirakure and was remanded in custody to February 6. He was advised to approach the High Court for bail application. It is the State’s case that he killed Round (33) of Domboshava, Chrispen Kanerusine (48) of Hwedza, Hwedza officer-in-charge Inspector Maxwell Hove (43) and 27-year-old Munashe Majani, who was a bartender at Ruzema Bottle Store, Mukamba Business Centre, Hwedza.

He also allegedly tried to kill Tendai Mugova, a police officer at the Hwedza camp, and Raphael Nyahwema at Mutare Boys High School, where he took a detour to look for food during his attempted escape to Mozambique.

The court heard that on November 19 last year, at around 9.30pm, Nyasha Eusen was in the company of Round at Clan Court in Eastlea, Harare. Muvevi reportedly approached the two and fatally shot Round once on the head for no apparent reason. – Sunday News