gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mugabe, Mujuru And Biti To Appear In Court As Witnesses – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mugabe, Mujuru And Biti To Appear In Court As Witnesses

Former Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe
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Zimbabwe’s former President, Robert Mugabe is set to appear in court together with former Finance Minister Tendai Biti and former Vice President Joice Mujuru as witnesses in former Tourism Minister Walter Mzembi’s case.

Daily News reports that the three will are set to appear as witnesses after the Office of the President and Cabinet refused to release documents Mzembi’s lawyer Job Sikhala wanted to use. Mzembi was arrested last week by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) together with former Energy Minister Samuel Undenge on charges of criminal abuse of office. The two were granted bail.

Charges against Mzembi are that sometime in 2010, as Tourism Minister he initiated a motion to acquire LED Public Viewing Area televisions for the public nationwide in an effort to establish Fan Parks for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

The State says Mzembi was given $2 million by Treasury which was under Biti at the time. The court heard on Saturday that the money was deposited into Shanghai Linso Digital Technology Company’s bank account in China as payment for the equipment.

More: Daily News