gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mphoko given ZW$1 000 bail – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mphoko given ZW$1 000 bail

Former vice president Phelekezela Mphoko
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A Bulawayo magistrate has granted former Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko ZW$1000 bail on condition to surrender his passport and report at Drill Hall over a crime of defeating the course of justice or alternatively criminal abuse of office.

Mphoko appeared at Tredgold Magistrate’s court in Bulawayo on Wednesday after the lawyer Zibusiso Ncube struck a deal with the office for a non-pre-trial detention.

Mphoko was remanded to September 4 and teh case will be heard at Rotten Row magistrates’ court in Harare.

Mphoko is accused of storming Avondale Police station and releasing former ZINARA CEO.

The former ZPRA Commander has maintained that he was acting in his official capacity as part of the Presidency.

This is a developing story…