gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Minister loses R600 000 to hackers – The Zimbabwe Mail

Minister loses R600 000 to hackers

Tinoda Machakaire
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Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation Deputy Minister, Tinoda Machakaire recently lost R600 000 after his bank account was hacked. 

The thieves also took control of his mobile line and blocked him and gave instructions to companies using the hacked mobile line. 

It is alleged that at different intervals, the hackers used the minister’s mobile number to send instructions to his company, Tinmac Motors, to make payments to accounts in South Africa and also instructed some drivers of his fleet of trucks to take up commercial loads to various destinations around the country.

Deputy Minister Machakaire yesterday confirmed the development and told Zimpapers Television Network (ZTN) that a team from his company had made a police report and they had some leads on the suspects 

“Yes it is true that I lost R600 000 to criminals after they hacked my mobile line and used it to send instructions to my company instructing them to make payments to companies and accounts in South Africa” said Deputy Minister Machakaire 

He said that he had leads on who received the money and some more pertinent information 

“I have the names and account numbers that were used to receive the money in South Africa.”

Deputy Minister Machakaire is also the Member of Parliament for Wedza South with business interests in farming and logistics. 

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said he was yet to get full details on the matter.