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‘Man rapes maid over 3 days’

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A MAN who separated with his wife appeared in court for allegedly raping his maid three times at midnight on consecutive days without protection.

The accused person (39), who cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim, appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Mrs Adelaide Mbeure who remanded him in custody to today for plea recording.

He was facing a rape charge.

Accused person and the maid (27) both reside in the same house in Bulawayo.

Allegations are that from Tuesday to Friday last week, accused person had been sneaking into his maid’s bedroom and raping her.

Prosecuting, Mr Mufaro Mageza said: “On November 14 this year at around 12AM, accused person went into his maid’s bedroom and sneaked into her blankets. When he was asked why he was doing that he apologised.”

“The accused person pulled up complainant’s skirt and had unprotected sex with her without her consent and went back to his bedroom”.

The next day around 12AM, accused went to complainant’s bedroom wearing his undergarment only. He sneaked into his maid’s blankets and raped her again once without protection.

The court heard the following day accused person did the same thing.

“On Friday, the next day accused person did the same until complainant told her sister,” said the prosecutor.

The court heard complainant’s sister advised her to report the matter to the police. The matter was reported leading to accused’s arrest.