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Man arrested for saying Mnangagwa incompetent

Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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HARARE – A man has been arrested for saying President Emmerson Mnangagwa is incompetent to run Zimbabwe.

Norman Machipisa, 29, of Epworth, appeared before Harare magistrate Learnmore Mapiye on Saturday facing disorderly conduct charges.

Machipisa was arrested after being shopped to the police by a citizen who heard him shouting expletives in central Harare.

Machipisa was freed on $20 bail pending his trial.

Machipisa, who works as a street hawker, was at the Central Vehicle Registry on September 28 when he is alleged to have used colourful language to show his disapproval of the Zanu PF leader’s government.

Prosecuting, Peter Kachirika said Machipisa was heard by the informant, Donaldson Chikotera, 27, shouting on top of his voice saying: “Mnangagwa imhata, haagone kutonga nyika” (Mnangagwa is an asshole. He’s incapable of leading this country).

Chikotera, who was minding his business, was annoyed by Machipisa’s utterances, the court heard.