gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); High Court frustrates State’s bid to seize Kasukuwere’s mansion, again – The Zimbabwe Mail

High Court frustrates State’s bid to seize Kasukuwere’s mansion, again

Former Local Government, Public Works and National Housing minister Saviour Kasukuwere
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The High Court has once again frustrated the State’s efforts to regain control of former Cabinet Minister, Saviour Kasukuwere’s Mutare Mansion.

Through the Prosecutor General, Kumbirai Hodzi, the state had lodged an application to bar Kasukuwere from having control and power to dispose of the asset he had used as surety in his corruption case.

The application came after the High Court had acquitted Kasukuwere of the corruption charges and had also authorised ordered the State to return the asset to the former ZANU PF political commissar.

Hodzi then made an appeal at the Supreme court against the ruling and also filed an application at the High Court saying that the State had noted that Kasukuwere can dispose of the mansion since he now had title deeds back.

He added that since the State had a huge probability of succeeding at the Supreme Court, it was prudent for the High Court to bar Kasukuwere from having access to the asset pending the hearing.

The High Court judge, Benjamin Chikowero, however, dismissed the application. He said:

Whereupon, after reading documents filed of record and hearing counsel, it is ordered that the application is struck off the roll. The applicant shall pay the first respondent (Kasukuwere) costs of suit.

More: Daily News