gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Helpless Sikhala ‘in tears’ as he clocks over six months behind bars; ‘my family has nothing at all for Christmas’ – he tells Chin’ono – The Zimbabwe Mail

Helpless Sikhala ‘in tears’ as he clocks over six months behind bars; ‘my family has nothing at all for Christmas’ – he tells Chin’ono

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JAILED Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) lawmaker, Job Sikhala, now feels helpless as he continues to languish in jail without trial.

Sikhala has spent over six months in jail following his arrest for inciting public violence during the memorial service for slain CCC activist, Moreblessing Ali on June 14 this year.

He was later hit with another charge of defeating the course of justice, based on same circumstances.

Since then, he has been seeking bail without winning, with courts ruling that he is unrepentant.

This is despite the fact that he has no single conviction in all his previous 63 arrests on related charges.

The lawmaker will spend Christmas holidays in jail awaiting trial on his second charge, which is expected to run on a continuous roll from December 29 to January 3 next year before Magistrate Marewanazvo Gofa.

Government critic, Hopewell Chin’ono, over the weekend said Sikhala is traumatised, having to spend the festive holidays without his family.

Chin’ono said the lawmaker who is typically vocal and jovial could not hide his pain and broke down while confirming that he feels helpless.

“I have just seen political prisoner @JobSikhala1 at Chikurubi Prison. He is in deep pain for not being with his wife and kids over Christmas,” said Chin’ono posting on his Twitter page.

According to the filmmaker, Sikhala said to him, “I am helpless here my brother.”

“He said with tears running down his cheeks, ‘My family has nothing at all for Christmas,’” Chin’ono added.

People emotionally reacted to the post, with many complaining that the party leader had let Sikhala down, while others wished him well.

“When Job is released ,I foresee him leaving politics and starting working for his family because his party & the people he represents have forsaken him. All I see them say is “ God is with you,” hazvibatsire izvo! So I wouldn’t blame him for ditching CCC & stepping down as MP!” said one follower.

Another one said, “The continued incarceration of @JobSikhala1 reveals how weak CCC is, and we begin to wonder if they can really defend our vote in 2023…”

Prosecutors allege Sikhala incited public violence when he allegedly called for justice over Ali’s death.

The National Prosecuting Authority said he published a video making the utterances.

NPA charged him for disturbing police investigations relying on the same video.

Sikhala denies the allegations.

He recently excepted to the second charge, arguing that it does not disclose a criminal offence.

But the magistrate, Gofa, dismissed his application, ruling that trial will start on December 29. Newzim