“I haven’t commited any crimes” – Mugabe

Robert Mugabe
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HARARE – Former President Robert Mugabe was not afraid of the impeachment process that Parliament had started, it has emerged.

Narrating Mugabe’s last days in power presidential spokesperson George Charamba told local media, “On the last day, we were joined by Gideon Gono and then Defence minister Sydney Sekeramayi. The president said to me ‘Charamba, I don’t want the world to say I have resigned because I fear impeachment.’ I haven’t committed any crimes. If they want, let them go ahead. I will answer to them,” Charamba said.

Charamba goes further to explain the points of pressure exerted on Mugabe to force him out, which included Gaddafi style “chilling” removal.

“There are several things that happened. There was a march at the Zimbabwe Grounds and threats to go to the Blue Roof. There was a party process which had seen him being recalled as the president of the party.

“There was the impeachment process that had been instituted. Another aspect is that when he called a Cabinet meeting, seven ministers attended and by 10 o’clock, only one had been left, which means that loyalty had gone,” said Charamba.

ZANU PF officially submitted a parliamentary motion to impeach Mugabe with opposition MDC seconding it after the coup, while Mugabe and his wife Grace  were under house arrest.

The speaker of parliament Jacob Mudenda accepted the motion describing it as a first and major step towards the democratisation of the country.

The speaker immediately adjourned the House of Assembly and asked parliament to move to the Harare International Conference Centre for a joint sitting as the parliament building failed to accommodate the joint seating where all the legislators from both houses pitched up.

Thousands of Zimbabweans picketed outside the parliament building also took a short march through the City to the HICC. – The Zimbabwean