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Fraud trial lays bare Ginimbi’s relationship with estranged wife

Zodwa Mkandla
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HARARE: Award-winning businesswoman, Zodwa Mkandla was embarrassed in court this week after she misrepresented under oath that she still lives with her flamboyant husband Genius Kadungure.

Mkandla – popularly known as Zozo – was giving testimony in a case where Kadungure, also known as Gnimbi, is accused together with Wicknell Chivayo of defrauding a Kadoma businessman and Zanu PF politician.

Testifying in Kadungure’s defence, Mkandla blamed Chivayo for the alleged offence saying her estranged husband was innocent.

Depicting her marriage as in good health, Zodwa said Chivayo gave her husband stolen money when the latter needed to purchase gas from South Africa.

Led by prosecutor Ephraim Zinyandu, Zodwa said she was privy to what happened because Kadungure would tell her as his wife.

Harare businesswoman Zodwa Mkandla

“He is my husband, we stay together and Chivayo even phoned me saying, ‘sister I’m sorry I dragged Genius into this case’.

“He (Chivayo) confirmed the transactions and promised to solve (the problem).”

Chivayo’s lawyer – Advocate Lewis Uriri – then asked Mkandla to clarify her relationship with Kadungure, reminding her that she was under oath.

This forced her to admit that their marriage was on the rocks.

“He is my husband, but we are on separation. We are on separation and we don’t stay under the same roof anymore,” said

Uriri further asked if she was still attached emotionally to Kadungure and Mkandla responded in the positive.

“You still want him and still want to jump into the bed of a man who tickles your mind. That’s why you are here to support him despite that you are on separation,” said Uriri.

Zodwa however, insisted that she was in court only to give testimony according to her knowledge of the matter and not to look for favours.

After the court session, Zodwa confronted Uriri saying she was still married to Kadungure adding that whatever he owns also belongs to her.

She said her relationship with Gnimbi was “excellent”, adding that they are still in touch.

Advocate Uriri simply ignored her.

Club owner Kadungure however, came to court in the company of an unidentified woman along with a pose of bouncers.