gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Former CIO Director In Court For Raping Stepdaughter – The Zimbabwe Mail

Former CIO Director In Court For Raping Stepdaughter

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A former director for economics in the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) appeared at the Harare Magistrates Court on a charge of raping his stepdaughter (12).

The accused, who was being represented by Advocate Tazorora Musarurwa, appeared before magistrate Estere Chivasa on Thursday.

He is denying the offence, according to NewsDay.

Three witnesses testified in the matter, with the State closing its case on Friday.

The court will deliver its ruling on March 17.

What happened:

Allegations are that sometime in August last year, the former CIO director summoned his stepdaughter to his bedroom before raping her.

The complainant allegedly tried to scream, but no one heard her.

The girl’s mother had gone to work,

He allegedly threatened the girl against talking about the sexual abuse.